The lists are up! Corey will be in Miss Miller's Class and Collin will be in Mrs. Rodger's class. Both boys are happy and anxious for school to start. All 3 sets of twins are in separate classes this year.
I took no pics today. These two are from yesterday. I'm still so excited to have seen him (Kenny). The top pic is of one of the big screens at the show. The one on the bottom is Kenny, not the greatest pic, but I spotted him getting out of his bus!!! I screamed his name, but he didn't look up at me. *sigh*
We had a little visitor when we were in the pool today! It had a band on it's foot, so we know it has an owner. It probably just stopped by to cool off. (It actually landed on a floating ring and even got wet in the pool).
These boys do more sleigh riding in the summer than they do in the winter! LOL Front: Robert, Josh (holding Issac), Seth. Back: Collin & Corey. We'll get Caleb next time, he came out just after I put the camera away.